Our Neighbourhood Plan

Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Update March 2024

As previously reported, the Neighbourhood Plan team have been undertaking a review of the policies in our existing Plan and detailed assessments of potential housing sites in the parish.

Our team have now met with representatives from the developers of the sites, being put forward for consideration, and we have invited them to present their thoughts and proposals to you, the residents of the Parish, on information boards. You will also be able to consider the other sites either rejected by the team or that were not put forward by the land owners/developers. We will be asking you for your preferences.

Any of these sites, will of course, be subject to the normal planning and consultation process, in due course.

The team would also like to invite the residents to participate and give your thoughts about transport and accessibility, wildlife and bio-diversity, important views, heritage assets, as well as ideas about the design of the new dwellings that you would like to see in the Parish.

The Open meeting is to take place at the Boxgrove Village Hall on Saturday April 27 , 2024. Details are yet to be finalised, but we have invited other local interest groups to attend to make this a thoroughly inclusive event, so please make a note in your diary. A separate announcement about the other groups attending will also be published.

February 2024


The Neighbourhood Plan team have been undertaking a detailed assessment of potential housing sites in the parish. These include all those identified by Chichester District Council (CDC) and those which have responded to our ‘call for sites’.

We have invited representatives of a shortlist of these, which we consider to be viable, to meet with us to discuss their proposals.

Depending on the outcome of these meetings, details of the favoured sites will be presented to the residents of the parish, at our planned Open meeting on 27th April 2024.

The team are also reviewing our existing policies such as design and considering the impact of any developments on the existing biodiversity, important views, and wildlife corridors in the parish. We will be looking for interested volunteers at the April meeting, to assist with this exercise.

The team are also concerned about other potential commercial developments in the parish. The Saltbarn development on the A285 was withdrawn before a planning decision was made but there are signs that this may be re submitted in the future. There is a consultation taking place about a massive 60,000sqm speculative logistic/warehouse complex at Templebar in Strettington, and we have also been informed of a preliminary application for a solar development somewhere on Boxgrove Common.


Please follow progress on our website where future updates will be posted.


David Leah

Chair of Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Team

5 February 2024

The final Plan can be viewed here - Boxgrove Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Appendices can be viewed here:

Appendix 1 Community Aspirations

Appendix 2 Townscape Appraisal Map Boxgrove

Appendix 3 Townscape Appraisal Map Halnaker

Basic Conditions Statement 

Consultation Statement 
Consultation Statement Appendix A