Boxgrove Parish Council

Boxgrove Parish Council consists of 9 elected members. 

Full Council usually meets on the first Monday of each month. The meetings are normally held at Boxgrove Village Hall  starting at 7.00pm and are open to the public. Boxgrove Parish Council welcomes members of the public to all meetings. There will be a ’Public Session’ item on each Agenda when residents are free to discuss any item on the agenda.

The Council employs a Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer, who undertakes the administration of the Council’s business.

The Parish Council is also required by regulation to hold an Annual Meeting usually in May. The Council is required to arrange an Annual Parish Assembly. This is an informal meeting of parishioners at which the council chairman traditionally gives a report on the council’s activities in the preceding year and other local organisations and clubs can also give reports. Residents have the opportunity at the Assembly to raise any issue and ask questions.