Our Neighbourhood Plan


Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan

Update November 2024


Housing at Rohan Stables Halnaker

This site for 26 dwellings has been approved by Chichester District Council.

This is now presumably going through the legal process between CDC and the developer. It is not yet known when the site construction will commence.

The ‘Folly’ Housing Development A285 Halnaker

The team have again met with the developer, however as CDC has not yet responded to their pre-application little further information was available.

They are continuing to finalise their application and generally the team are satisfied with the way the scheme is developing. As agreed by the PC we will expect to include this scheme in our NP.

Contested Housing Allocation

Our submission to the Chichester Local Plan consultation has been submitted to the hearings contesting our allocation of 50 dwellings.

State of readiness of our Revised Neighbourhood Plan

Our draft NP is nearing completion, and we expect to be able to submit it for the next stage of consultation before the end of the year.

We are planning for another Open Consultation meeting to be held at the Boxgrove Village Hall on Saturday 18 January 2025.

This will be an opportunity for residents to have their say about the content and policies in our revised NP as well as the proposed housing developments.

Any further Neighbourhood Plan information will be provided by posters and our normal website etc.


David Leah

Chair of Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Team                       4 November 2024


The final 'made' Plan can be viewed here - Boxgrove Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Appendices can be viewed here:

Appendix 1 Community Aspirations

Appendix 2 Townscape Appraisal Map Boxgrove

Appendix 3 Townscape Appraisal Map Halnaker

Basic Conditions Statement 

Consultation Statement 
Consultation Statement Appendix A