Boxgrove has a housing allocation of 50 homes designated by CDC. This allocation is contested by the Parish Council. Parishes on the Manhood Peninsula have had their housing allocations removed due to issues with traffic on the A27; lack of local school provision and drainage issues. All of these issues affect Boxgrove. Sites rejected in the 2018 HELAA are shown as achievable in the 2021 HELAA with no justification as the circumstances have not changed. A detailed review of all the sites shown in the latest HELAA has revealed that none are available during the life of the Plan. The ‘Call for Sites’ brought forward additional sites, one of which at Rohan stables was granted planning permission in September 2024 while the NP was being produced. The other two are included in this Plan.
Policy H1 Quality of Design AMENDED
New residential developments should conserve local distinctiveness by demonstrating high quality design which both respects existing character and responds to the distinctive character of the area, it should take account of the Boxgrove Design Code (4). Where a design and access statement is required as part of a planning application, this must demonstrate how the proposal has responded to the above principles and the design code as an integral part of the design process.
Development will be supported where it:
11. Delivers landscape design and green infrastructure that contributes to a sustainable sense of place, such as wild areas for outdoor play, areas for re-wilding, links to the biodiversity buffers and wildlife corridors, and which softens the impact of the built form;
12. Ensures that all mature trees, hedgerows and green corridors within the site are retained unless their removal is essential, and then only the minimum should be removed to facilitate an efficient development layout - any removals must be mitigated with replacement species in keeping with surroundings;
13. Provides affordable housing in line with the prevailing CDC policy, which should include a range of tenures and types including shared ownership, social rent and starter homes as based upon Parish needs. A portion of the affordable housing may be delivered through a Community Land Trust;
14. Demonstrates that evidence of local need for older persons housing is reflected in the type and mix of homes proposed;
15. Provides a hierarchy of linked routes and space that are people- centred, permeable, relate to local facilities and which provide parking and cycle rack provision that makes a positive contribution to the setting of buildings and which provides connectivity to and from the village centre;
16. Supports the sensitive retrofitting of energy efficiency measures and the appropriate use of micro-renewables in historic buildings will be encouraged, including the retrofitting of listed buildings, buildings of solid wall or traditional construction and buildings within conservation areas, whilst safeguarding the special characteristics of these heritage assets for the future.
17. Ensures that development will not reduce the biodiversity, landscape and amenity value and character of historic rural roads. Particular attention will be given to new access points and other physical alterations to roads and to the impact of additional traffic.
NB: Historic rural roads are defined as those roads outside towns shown on the second edition of the Ordnance Survey1, which have not undergone significant widening or straightening in the intervening period. ‘Roads’ in this context refer to the highway itself as well as any associated pavements or cycle paths, verges, banks, ditches and boundary features. See Evidence Base for map identifying historic rural roads in the Parish.
1 Ordnance Survey 2nd edition, Six-inch to the mile, England and Wales, 1891 – 1914: accessible online through various providers including National Library of Scotland, hGp://maps.nls.uk/os
Specifically they are:
The Street |
Boxgrove |
Tinwood Lane |
Halnaker |
Church Lane |
Boxgrove |
Crouch Cross / Town Lane |
Boxgrove |
Stane Street |
Halnaker |
Park Lane |
Halnaker |
Strettington Lane |
Strettington |
Arundel Road |
Crockerhill |
Mill Lane |
Halnaker |
Redvins Road |
Halnaker |
Waterbeach Road |
Strettington |
Eartham Lane |
Crockerhill |
Policy H3 Windfall Sites AMENDED
Residential developments on infill and redevelopment sites within the settlement boundary of Boxgrove (as shown on Map E) shall meet all of the following factors:
i) The development complies with the other relevant policies of the Development Plan.
ii) The scale of the development is appropriate to the size, character and role of the settlement.
iii) The townscape and landscape character and views are conserved or enhanced, especially where the character of the area is specifically recognised, such as within the SDNP, the Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.
iv) The proposal creates safe and accessible environments that offer good access via a range of transport modes.
v) Land is demonstrated to be used effectively and comprehensively. Arbitrary subdivision of land or piecemeal development will be considered unacceptable.
vi) The proposal is demonstrated to be deliverable, having regard to the necessary financial contributions towards local infrastructure and affordable housing within the parish.
vii) Preference will be given to use of previously developed land within the settlement boundary.
viii) Wildlife, habitat, green corridors, open space and the natural environment must be conserved or enhanced and any development informed by archaeological and environmental surveys before being developed in order to protect and enhance biodiversity.
ix) Some areas in the parish are vulnerable to the risk of flooding; therefore development proposals must clearly demonstrate that any potential surface water flood risk issues have been thoroughly researched and will be appropriately mitigated through design.
Policy H4 Outdoor Space - SAVED
Proposals for new housing development should include good quality outdoor amenity space – either private gardens or a shared amenity area. The amount of land used for garden or amenity space will be commensurate with the size and type of dwelling and the character of the area, and should be of appropriate utility (for play and recreation) and quality, having regard to topography, shadowing (from buildings and landscape features) and privacy.
Policy H5 Residential development of land at The Old Granary, Boxgrove - SAVED
Land at The Old Granary, Boxgrove shown in Map C is allocated for residential development of a maximum of five units. Any development of the site should respond positively to the significance of nearby heritage assets, including the setting of Priory Farmhouse and views into and out of the Conservation Area, and its contribution to landscape and townscape character
H6 Residential development of land west of Oakford Park (The Folly) NEW
Land at The Folly shown on Map C is allocated for residential development comprising 10 units one of which will be a self-build unit delivered on land west of The Folly site.
H7 Residential development of land north west of 56 Stane Street (Rohan Stables) Halnaker NEW
Land at Rohan Stables shown on Map C is allocated for residential development comprising 26 units.