Boxgrove News

Better Roads, Carers Rights, living independently, and more!


Residents' eNewsletter

Welcome to the November 2024 edition of our Residents’ eNewsletter, featuring the latest news and updates from your county council.

have your say

Let us know what you think

Have you taken part in our budget consultation yet?

Our budget for 2025-2026 amounts to over £2 billion which will be spent on services for our 900,900 residents and more than 42,500 businesses.

We'd like to hear your opinions and views on how and where we should spend that money.

Have your say

better roads

Better Roads - what are we doing?

Almost 40,000 safety related defects on highways across West Sussex have been repaired between April and September as we retain our commitment to better roads.

This year the council invested an extra £13 million to actively tackle the problem of our deteriorating roads and keep the county moving.

This was in addition to the base budget for the year of £42.8 million and £2.1 million received from the Department for Transport’s Road Resurfacing Fund.

Read more about our roads

traffic jam

We ask Secretary of State to see first-hand the importance of the A27

We have written an open letter to the government raising concerns about the decision to cancel planned improvements to the A27 and offering support to work together to find a solution to the problems.

The letter, from county council Leader Paul Marshall and the Chair of Transport for the South East (TfSE) Keith Glazier invites the Rt Hon Louise Haigh MP to see first-hand why the road is so important to our communities.

The A27 is a strategically important route that links towns and cities along the Sussex and Hampshire coast. It has long been considered sub-standard and unreliable, suffering specifically from congestion at Chichester, Arundel and Worthing, as well as to the east of Lewes.

The letter outlines the leaders’ concerns that the decision to cancel the A27 improvement schemes will further harm opportunities for growth across the Sussex region and impact on local businesses and trade in the region.

Read more

meals on wheels visit

Supporting families to live independently

Our Meals on Wheels provider, Health & Independent Living Support (HILS), joined forces with West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service recently to demonstrate how we’re helping people live independently in their homes.

While on a special visit to customers Michael and Audrey, Rural Engagement Officer Ben Applin carried out a safe and well check, gave advice on making their home safer, and fitted two smoke alarms for free.

Ben said: “For our officers and crews, knowing they can easily refer residents to one of our partner services such as HILS, ensures that we continue to take a joined up approach to community safety and make sure those who are most at risk have professional, ongoing support.”

Visit the HILS website or call 0330 2000 103 for more information. Every visit includes delivery of a hot meal and dessert, along with a caring wellbeing check from their Community Team Members.

Extra support:

Are you aged 66 or over? Pension Credit could give you extra financial support such as the Winter Fuel Payment and access to other benefits such as free NHS prescriptions. The importance of claiming was highlighted recently by our councillors. Find out more, including eligibility and how to access the benefits

It’s Carers’ Rights Day on 21 November. If you or someone you know is an unpaid carer you can:

  • Ask your GP practice to identify you as a carer on your patient record.
  • Request a free flu jab - if you’re the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be put at risk if you became ill, or if you are in receipt of Carer’s Allowance.
  • Request a carers assessment if you’re over 18 and provide regular unpaid care for someone.
  • Register with Carers Support West Sussex to find local support and use their Smart Search tool to find information most relevant to you. Find support and information for young carers aged under 18 here.

16 days

#NoExcuse for violence

16 Days of Activism is an international campaign which calls for action to end violence against women and girls around the globe.

It runs from 25 November in the UK, marked by White Ribbon Day, and ends on 10 December which is World Human Rights Day.

This year our Community Safety Team will be raising awareness on the different forms of violence each day, working alongside local support service providers.

Find more information and where to access help and support on the topics highlighted during the campaign by following WS Community Safety (@WSxCommSafety).

Violence and abuse can affect anyone of any gender. If you are affected by these issues, you can find information on the link below.

More information

reuse paint

Pick up a pre-loved paint pot!

You can now donate unwanted paint or pick up a pre-used pot for your own DIY at designated Recycling Centres across West Sussex.

In collaboration with Biffa and Community RePaint (sponsored by Dulux), we have launched this initiative which is aimed at reducing paint waste and encouraging reuse of partially used pots.

To donate or collect paint, you must book an appointment to visit a Recycling Centre in advance.

Donate or pick up some paint!

foster care

Change someone’s life forever

We are highlighting a new film which raises awareness of the need for more people to step forwards and foster. We are urgently seeking more foster carers to change a child’s life forever.

Sam, pictured above, from Horsham has been a foster carer for over 23 years said: “We welcomed our first foster child into our family in 2002 as a tiny newborn, when my twins were five. He lived with us for two and a half years and my children still consider him a brother. He and his mum live abroad now, but I speak to his mum all the time. He is amazing and watching him continue to grow has been such a gift and benefits us all.”

The number of children and young people cared for by the county council stands at over 900 across the county, with 20 currently waiting for a foster home.

Our foster carers receive comprehensive training, ongoing professional support and a competitive financial package of up to £30,393 per child per year, with additional fees for specialist roles.

Find out about fostering

more news

Head to our Newsroom to find all the latest news.

did you know

Worthing Library is hosting a free start-up business help and information event on Tuesday 19 November from 10.30am to 4pm. Watch live screenings of chats with food brand founder Charlie Bigham, network with local business experts and explore the new business offer from Worthing Library as a Business & Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC). Book your free ticket here.

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