Boxgrove News

Revival Air Displays & Naval Gun - Thursday 5th - Sunday 8th September


Please find below the timings of the air displays and naval gun firing over the upcoming Revival event at the Motor Circuit/Aerodrome:


Thursday 5th September

17.20     Wing Walker display (bi-wing plane)         over airfield                                           15 mins 

17.35     Stampe display (bi-wing plane)                  over airfield                                           12 mins

18.00     Spitfire and Mustang                                 cricket pitch at Goodwood House           10 mins 

Friday 6th September

08.00     Air display (3 x old warbirds)                     airfield                                                  10 mins

09.00    Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit

18.27     Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit 

Saturday 7th September

08.00     Air display (3 x old warbirds)                    airfield                                                  10 mins

09.00    Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit

13.50     Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit

19.00     Spitfire x 2                                                airfield                                                  10 mins

Sunday 8th September

08.00    Air display (3 x old warbirds)                     airfield                                                  10 mins

09.00    Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit

13.30     Naval Gun to fire                                   motor circuit